Toosdi Tedd is the Assistant Director of Day Programs at Bristol Adult Resource Center. Toosdi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Services. Prior to working at BARC, Toosdi worked at Hampden County Correctional Center and Sheriffs Department in Ludlow, M.A., as a counselor to the inmates.
In 1997, Toosdi began her career in a direct support role and later held a management position with progressively more responsibilities. She became the Assistant Director of Day Programs in 2022, overseeing the Day Support Options out of BARC’s Lake Avenue location. Toosdi works with her management team to oversee an array of services and supports provided by BARC. She and her team strive to ensure optimum service through a person-centered approach.
When Toosdi isn’t at BARC, she can be found hiking with her dogs, spending time with her two daughters or riding around with her husband in their Mustang.