Upcoming Job Fair – Click Here to Learn More
The Bristol Adult Resource Center Recreation Program recruits people in the community to assist in our retail businesses and also in our day and recreational programs. Some of our volunteers are young people needing to do community service for their school or church. Others are people in the community willing to volunteer their time as well as retired people from RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program). We have approximately forty people who volunteer on a regular basis and throughout the year. Groups of volunteers assist the agency doing large projects, particularly during the United Way Day of Caring and other major fund raisers.
The Bristol Adult Resource Center Recreation Program provides afternoon, evening and weekend opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Recreation program offers bingo, games, outings, exercise and nutrition.
To learn more about our volunteer opportunities, please contact Amy D’Anna at adanna@bristolarc.org or (860) 582-9102 ext. 151.
If you want to volunteer at BARC, please print off & fill out the volunteer Application. Once completed, send to Amy D’Anna.